Useful facts to know:

  • The surfing season in Hikkaduwa starts in November and ends in April.
  • Average water temperature: 28 degrees
  • Average air temperature: 30 degrees

Surfspots in Hikkaduwa

North Jetty. Coral bottom, a right wave that requires a great swell that breaks. When this wave behaves as expected it can be a wonderful ride, it’s a long wave with very hollow sections.

Benny´s. Coral bottom. A fast left wave and quite dangerous that breaks over a very sharp reef and with shallow water. Only surf here if you really know what you are doing and at your own risk.

Main Reef. Coral bottom. Right and left waves that offer fun and relaxed surfing.

Inside Reef. Coral bottom. Breaking fast hollow waves from left and right that can be quite intense at times.

Beach Break. Sand bottom. South of the inside Reef there is a number of thin sand over which several types of waves break. This area is recommended for the inexperienced surfer.